Test form to check your installation

< 1 min read

ANON::form offers a special test url, “https://test.anonform.com” (CSP child-src must contain https://*.anonform.com), where the configuration can be tested with different forms and languages. The forms in this test mode are fully functional but do not submit anything.

Testa din installation med hjälp av vårt speciella testformulär. Instruktioner finns för både inbäddade och fristående formulär, alla språk och färdiga mallar.

Form options (add to URL):

  • /Fc (stand alone contact form, default)
  • /Fce (embedded contact form, default)
  • /Fcw (small anonymous stand alone whistleblower form)
  • /Fcwe (small anonymous embedded whistleblower form)
  • /Fcwx (large stand alone whistleblower form)
  • /Fcwxe (large embedded whistleblower form)
  • /Fsl (stand alone sick leave form)
  • /Fsle (embedded sick leave form)
  • /Fpolicy (autocreated Whistleblowing Policy)

Languages alternatives, (add to URL):

  • /Lar (عربى)
  • /Lda (Dansk)
  • /Len (English)
  • /Lfi (Suomeksi)
  • /Lde (Deutsch)
  • /Lno (Norsk)
  • /Lpl (Polskie)
  • /Lpt (Português)
  • /Lro (Română)
  • /Lru (Русский)
  • /Les (Español)
  • /Lsv (Svenska)
  • /Lth (ไทย)
  • /Luk (Український)
  • /Lsq (Shqiptare)
  • /Lfr (Français)
  • /Lel (Ελληνικά)
  • /Lit (Italiano)
  • /Llt (Lietuvių)
  • /Ltr (Türkçe)
  • /Lbg (български)
  • /Lbs (Bosanski)
  • /Lhr (Hrvatski)
  • /Llv (Latviski)
  • /Lsr (Српски)
  • /Lnl (Nederlands)
  • /Lsw (Kiswahili)
  • /Let (Eesti keel)
  • /Lfa (فارسی اصلاح شده)

Example test url with stand alone contact form in English:

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